Mission and Goals

TRM Mission: The mission of The Radical Middle (DHH) is to address the current bifurcation in the field of deaf education. Our primary goal is to create a community of practice among researchers, teachers, parents, and deaf individuals, around a common goal of philosophical partnership as it applies to communication choices and educational options for children who are deaf or hard of hearing.

As the group begins to grow and gain momentum, The Radical Middle (DHH) welcomes individuals with expertise representative of a wide range of philosophies who are willing to work together towards a common goal of supporting the educational and linguistic needs of individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, with the hope of creating a more balanced perspective on how we address these issues in our research, practice, and collaborative efforts.

TRM Goals: To encourage scholars who are representative of a wide range of educational, cultural, and linguistic philosophies to learn and work together through research and collaborative scholarship, holding a common goal of doing what is best educationally, culturally, and linguistically for each deaf and hard of hearing child and his or her family.

Learn More: The basic principles of The Radical Middle (DHH) are set to be published in a co-authored book chapter in 2015 (Easterbrooks & Maiorana-Basas, 2015).

Join the Discussion: We welcome you to join the current discussion on our Facebook group:
